South Florida
Technical Sales Manager: Daniel Peña
101 Liquid-Applied Roofing is a one-day training event and a prerequisite for licensed roofing contractors in Florida wanting to participate in GAF’s commercial division for
Liquid-Applied Coatings & Membranes.

WHY 101 Liquid-Applied Roofing:
Provide attendees with a keen understanding of how to successfully promote GAF Liquid-Applied products
Educate, train and help attendees select and specify the right GAF liquid-applied solution for their next project
Learn proper application techniques that help increase productivity and profitability by using GAF solutions.
Establish working expectation between the contractor & GAF Contractor Services
101 Liquid-Applied Roofing is a prerequisite for qualifying for BOOT CAMP Product Training for Applicators & GAF’s Certified Contractor Program in order to offer Liquid-Applied Warranties
8:30am - 2:30pm
101 Liquid-Applied Roofing
Fort Myers, Florida
Courtyard Marriott - Gulf Coast Town Center
10050 Gulf Center Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33913

Target Audience:
Qualifiers/Owners, Project Managers, Sales, Estimators, Supervisors, Lead foreman
Distributor Branch Managers and Outside/Inside Sales
Architects, Engineers and Roof Consultants
Demonstrations are focused on proper product application, aesthetic design, job site productivity and material estimation and how to increase profitability using GAF solutions.